Program to accept 3 number and find sum

 Program to accept 3 number and find sum

Hello friends today we are going to find a sum of a number generally or three number are input by the user and we will find the sum of that

Basic program to make sum of a given number can be computed by the source code which has been uploaded on the blog a step-by-step guide has been provided to you so that you didn't take any problem in making a cold and running it.
You might think that is a basic code and does not required to put your mind in it but dear friends small programs troubles you alot you should know some basic to perform small programs properly.

Remember no program is small or big it's depend on the perspective you have taken.

The basic program which can be used to find the sum of the numbers can be implemented by using the code given below.
apply it, and find the sum of three numbers
thanks to c4fun later.

The source code is given below

Void main()
Int a,b,c,d;
Printf(“enter value of a,b&c”);

Enter value of a,b&c
1              2              3       

The output above is taken as an example which can be modified according to your need .

no program is small or large, sometimes a basic program troubles you a lot
so practice a small program also otherwise the concept might be weak  for  c
and c will not be fun ...

Who printed paper

Now when you have the source code and made the program you may change the input according to your wish and get the desired result you can also modified the program or the source code according to you. Comment your result you have obtained when you have changed the world of course this some you have changed the inputs you have changed drop down the comments and share the experience of your coding.

Share this blog among your friends and the person whom you think would help if they get the code.
Put on your comments if you have any doubts or question or query they will be resolved in a minute let's make a chain of the results you have obtained and sharing is caring that is the basic concept that we follow so let's spread your wings and spread a blog among all of your knowing persons

Keep learning
Keep coding
And keep updating yourself as C language is developing day by day it is in developing faced so you are required to be updated....

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