program to print quadrant for given coordinates

today we are going to a  Program takes the  coordinate point as input and finds out its quadrant.

 The program takes the input and 
 for the value which are being entered in  X and Y we need to find  in which quadrant the points will occur.

Hello friends , today we are going to perform simple task which is finding the quadrants of a given number,
A number can lie in 4 different quadrants, depending upon the nature of number we are able to find the quadrant it will lay. So whenever you want to find the quadrant just look for the sign of the number and you would be able to judge the quadrant.
It plays a major role as these values are required while calculating the value of trigonometric function.
How to make it is a big question?
What all would be the requirements?

The simple logic behind  the program is to input the number from the user and ,then need to compare the number depending upon the number we are able to find the required information so ,using if condition you would be able to do so.
First trick of step 1 you would be requiring for the code so ,if you have thought then move to next step ,think what should be the output of the code ,make line by line approach and you will be able to do that task.

c4fun brings you the code of the C program to find the coordinatate and find out its quadrant. 

void main()
int x,y;
printf("\n enter coordinates");
printf*("\n 1 quardant");
else if(x<0&&y>0)
printf("2 nd quadrant");
else if(x<0&&y<0)
printf("\n 3rd quadrant");
else if(x>0&&y<0)
printf("\n 4th quardrant");
printf("\n at origin");

the output can  be changed by entering the positive value aobg with the negative value.
comment the different output which you obtained while coding
and try new combinations of points which you can think of.

When you have done coding and testing now it’s time to share the result you have obtained from the program
Comment down the result you aver obtained while running your code?
Was the result as expected by you if not what was the error?
Share your vies was the program really difficult after you have used the source code?

Share this program among your friends whom you think it would help them as when you build the simple program then you build and boost up your confidence so do share the blog among your friends and   remember sharing is caring so share as much as u can.

If you have any doubt or query or any problem, comment down the question if comment section and it would be resolve as soon as possible.
Keep coding ….and keep yourself updated which is the most important thing required in the field of coding, as things keep changing every moment.
Keep sharing…..
Keep learning….

Hello friends looking for making

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thanks for reading and sharing.I hope it would help you!!!!

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