Many terms are used in c language, which often confuse students, but if the meaning of these are understood clearly then you would not confuse
Editor: An editors a program much like a word processor that is used to write or edit the source code of any program.
Pre processor: it is a program that posses through the compiler and convert source code by means of preprocessor directives.
Linker: it is a program which combines various pieces of reloadable object code and data (object code of library) together to form a single executable code that can be located in primary memory.
Loader: loader is a system program or a part of an operating system that is responsible for loading the executable codes into primary memory for the execution.
Documentation section (/*     */): it consists of a set of a comment lines giving the name, author, date, etc of program and other details.
Link section (#include<header file>): it provides information or instructions to the compiler to link function from the system library.
Definition section (# defines): it defines all symbolic constants.
Global declaration section: variables that are declared outside all the functions and are used in more than one function.
Main function section (main {  }): this section contains two parts declaration part and executable part.
Sub program section (int sum (inta, intb)): it contains all the user-defined functions all the user defined functions that are called in main functions.
Keywords: keywords are also known as the reserved words whose meaning is already defined in c libarary.they all perform some specific purpose.
There are mainly 32 keywords some are

Identifier: these are also known as variable. These are those entities that value can be changed any time during execution o program
Int a=2;

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