terms used in c language

Hello today we are going to learn about the terms which are used commonly in our C language. Different terms are used in C language programming but if you don't know the basic terms then you could not perform the operation was the person is asking you for

Many terms are used in c language, which often confuses students, but if the meaning of these are understood clearly then you would not confuse

 c4fun brings you the terms which are use vey commanly in c programming .go throuh them and try to understand the terminology og the terms.

these simple words are sometimes very confusing and when you would not be knowing the tems ,what does it mean wthen how would you konw what the other person is saying ...
 the terms are:

Editor: An editors a program much like a word processor that is used to write or edit the source code of any program.

Preprocessor: it is a program that posses through the compiler and converts source code by means of preprocessor directives.

Linker: it is a program which combines various pieces of reloadable object code and data (object 
code of library) together to form a single executable code that can be located in primary memory.

Loader: loader is a system program or a part of an operating system that is responsible for loading the executable codes into primary memory for the execution.

Documentation section (/*     */): it consists of a set of comment lines giving the name, author, date, etc of the program and other details.

Link section (#include<header file>): it provides information or instructions to the compiler to link function from the system library.

Definition section (# defines): it defines all symbolic constants.

Global declaration section: variables that are declared outside all the functions and are used in more than one function.

Main function section (main {  }): this section contains two parts declaration part and executable part.
Subprogram section (int sum (int a, intb)): it contains all the user-defined functions all the user-defined functions that are called in main functions.

Keywords: keywords are also known as the reserved words whose meaning is already defined in c libarary.they all perform some specific purpose.

There are mainly 32 keywords some are

Identifier: these are also known as variable. These are those entities that value can be changed any time during execution o program
Int a=2;

Backslash character constant (escape sequences)
v  “\a” audible alert, bell ringing
v  “\b” backspace ,cursor move back 1 position
v  “\f” formfeed,skip to next page
v  “\n” next line
v  “\r”carriage return, horizontal distance
v  “\t”horizontal tab
v  “\” single quote
v  “\\”backslash
v  “\o” null

Some other character group specified
·         To read string %s
·         To  read hexadecimal %x
·         To read octal number %Q

·         To read real number %e or %g

hope you have gone through the blog and found what you are looking for ,i hope you would not get confuse now with these small terms.if still you are having the question do comment below a prompt reply would be there!

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  1. thanks for the data type variables help

  2. i have gone through the content really a nice content , good work


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