program to find the grade of a student

Hello friend toady we are going to make a new type of program to find out the grade of a student which is already defined acceding to our perimeter, 
We need to input the marks of different subjects as it would be used to calculate the percentage of the student and thus would help you to obtain the result.
How to start is the question which comes into mind?

No issue with that so, you have to think of the steps you would be following to make it a program, what is required at 1 step when what will happen next.... and so on.
today c4fun brings the students fun
we will finf out  how to  grade accordingly to the marks we have obtained, using the ladder .
might  sometime you are given problem statement otherwise you can use the idle condition .
you may change the grade according to your will.

void main()
int pc;
printf("\n enter percentage\n");
printf("invalid inprut");
else if(pc>=80)
printf("\n A grade");
else if(pc>=60)
printf("B is grade");
else if(pc>=40)
printf("C grade);
printf("F grade\n");

change the grade and marks with different inputs ,its a totally fun to see hw your friend perfoemed by the marks you wish your friend should have
enjoy coding

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Keep coding ….and keep yourself updated which is the most important thing required in the field of coding, as things keep changing every moment.
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thanks for reading and sharing.I hope it would help you!!!!

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